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网站首页 > 虞姬文苑 >虞姬传说(外语版)alegendofYuji


时间:2022-02-08    点击: 次    发布者:阿冷 - 小 + 大

  Yuji, a very beautiful girl who lived in China 2,000 years ago, was famous for her beauty and dancing. she could even played two swords very well, making her swords as fast as wind, and as softlas water. She fell in love with the greatest man at that time, Xiangyu, who had the greatest strength. then she willingly became a concubine of him, and companied him when he had a lot of battles, never separated from each other.

  Xiangyu defeated the cruel Emperor at his time and made himself King. but his partner, Liubang, betrayed him and wanted to be King of the country himself.

  Although xiangyu had the stronger and more troops, Liubang played tricks and finally sorrounded Xiangyu's troops. after some vain attempts, Xiangyu had no food and very few soldiers left. one night, when xiangyu knew he couldn't fight against LIubang any more, he made a poem like this with tears: I'm strong enough to life a mountain, but not lucky enough. when I am unlucky, my horse refuses to go. i can do something with my horse even if he refuses to run, but what can i do with my dear Yuji?

  Hearing the sad poem and feeling Xiangyu's sorrow, Yuji also danced for him, singing" the enemies have come here and we are surrounded by them. my king has no chance to go out. How can i live to be a burden for my dearest?"

  After the song, Yuji killed herself with her sword and died, making xiangyu heartbroken.

  in the end of the story, xiangyu killed himself,too,refusing to go back to his town. people in China are much moved by their love as well as by xiangyu's heroic deeds. Their story has been talked about and acted again and again since then.


作者:阿冷      外教布置了一个写一短小的关于中国传说的任务,于是根据虞姬传说写了故事。



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